Japan Musings

So it kind of just hit me today that I will be potentionally moving to Japan.  I don't know if my hormones are just being weird, but I have been pretty emotional today regarding this.  Yesterday, I was thinking about how this month is the month that they will be announcing people who will receive interviews.  (I am talking about JET btw).  They sent us application ID numbers so that it will be easier to check the status of your application online and see if you have an interview.  I find this a very effective method as thousands of people apply every year.  Anyway, it occured to me that I haven't a clue what I actually did with the copy of my application, which includes the said ID number.  There is close to 100 pages of this application that I bundled together.  How exactly does one loose a huge stack of papers?  I moved them because my birds wanted to make a snack out of it, but I could not remember where I put them when I moved them.  Since I have been all emotional about moving to Japan and seeing how my dreams of finishing school are coming true, I figured I better search for that information.  

After rummaging through my living room and kitchen, I found the papers laying on a table, plain as day in the AZ room.  I don't know why I was thinking it would be in an inconspicuous place.  It's not like I need to hide this info from anyone.  If someone does steal it, who knows what they will do with it.  They can't use it without stealing my identity.  Which would be pretty stupid quite honestly.  I have loan debt to my name.  The most expensive thing I own is my car.  And it does not look like it is worth much.  I'm rambling.

I checked the dates online for when the interview in Phoenix will be, and it says January 31st.  But there is an * next to the location and date.  No other location has one.  I can't find a reason why that is there.  I assumed it meant tentative dates, but other locations said that the dates were tentative right next to the location.  I don't know what that means.  Hopefully nothing that means I have to travel.

I still won't know if I have an interview or not.  That information has yet to be posted.  I will let you know at some point if I do get chosen.  There isn't a doubt in my mind whether or not I will get an interview.  I know I will be interviewd.  I am just not so sure that I will get hired.  I don't have that much confidence in myself.  We will see what happens though.